Information about Scheuermann & Co. AG
Information sheet for clients of Scheuermann & Co AG
Information about Scheuermann & Co AG
Address, e-mail address, website and phone number of Scheuermann & Co. AG | Scheuermann & Co. AG, Börsenstrasse 26, 8001 Zurich E-Mail: nicolas(at)scheuermannco.ch Website: www.scheuermannco.ch Phone: 0041 44 2276018 |
Client segment according to the Federal Act on Financial Services of 15 June 2018 (“FinSA”) | The clients as defined in the FinSA will be treated as private clients according to FinSA. | |
Activity of Scheuermann & Co. AG | Scheuermann & Co. AG is a fund distributor and not supervised by FINMA. | |
Field of activity and supervisory status of Scheuermann & Co. AG | Distribution of sub-funds of Tweedy, Browne Value Funds (non-advice): Scheuermann & Co. AG presents the Client with investment ideas of a general nature, which must not be understood as a personal recommendation. In particular, Scheuermann & Co. AG does not take into account the investment objectives, investment strategies or financial circumstances or knowledge and experience of the Client when presenting investment ideas and no agreement is entered into between the Client and Scheuermann & Co. AG. | |
Risks and costs associated with the financial instrument/financial service |
The essential features and the functionalities of any collective investment schemes concerned as well as certain risks and costs associated with and any obligations arising from an investment in such collective investment scheme for the Client are described in its offering documents which may be obtained on request from Scheuermann & Co. AG. Reference is made to the Brochure “Risks Involved in Trading Financial Instruments” issued by the Swiss Bankers Association (SwissBanking), as amended from time to time. Information on further costs incurred in connection with any transaction in financial instruments may be obtained from the financial intermediary (e.g. bank) involved in such transaction and appointed by the Client. |
Client Advisor Register | The client advisors of Scheuermann & Co. AG are registered with BX Swiss AG (www.regservices.ch), a client advisor register admitted by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) in accordance with art. 31 para. 1 FinSA. | |
Ombudsman Office | Scheuermann & Co. AG is affiliated with Finanzombudsstelle Schweiz (FINOS), Talstrasse 20, CH-8001 Zurich, Switzerland, a legally recognized ombudsman pursuant to art. 84 para. 1 of the FinSA. Clients receiving a financial service from Scheuermann & Co. AG have the possibility of mediation proceedings through the Ombudsman Office under the conditions as set out in the FinSA. | |
Conflicts of Interest | Scheuermann & Co. AG endeavours to avoid conflicts of interest (incl. but not limited to conflicts of interest in the context of economic ties with third parties) as far as possible or otherwise to disclose them. |
Information sheet for clients of Scheuermann & Co AG
Information about Scheuermann & Co AG
Scheuermann & Co AG with domicile Boersenstrasse 26, CH-8001 Zurich, is an unsupervised Swiss financial service provider. According to the Swiss Financial Services Act FInSA, Nicolas Scheuermann is registered with the Swiss client adviser register of BX Swiss Ltd. (https://www.regservices.ch/en/client-advisor-search/) and Scheuermann & Co are affiliated with a Swiss ombudsman’s office.
Swiss ombudsman’s office
The protection and long-term satisfaction of our clients have top priority. Should complaints arise during our consultations, in a first step, please feel free to contact us at any time so that we can find a solution together for your request. If this does not succeed, you have the legal possibility of contacting the Swiss ombudsman’s office for initiation of a free conciliation procedure. We are affiliated to the following ombudsman’s office Finanzombudsstelle Schweiz (FINOS), Talstrasse 20, CH-8001 Zurich.
Cost information in connection with financial and investment advice
Costs and fees may be charged by Scheuermann & Co AG as well as by third parties. These costs and fees will be provided to you before the conclusion of a contract or before the purchase of an investment product. Questions on costs and fees will be gladly answered free of charge. Risk information
The risks associated with the purchase of financial products will be explained to you in advance of a conclusion and made available in writing. Please read the information provided carefully and contact us if you have any questions.
The brochure „Risks Involved in Trading Financial Instruments“ can be obtained from the Swiss Bankers Association at www.swissbanking.ch. Product information on the individual financial products is available from your client advisor. You have the possibility to inform yourself in advance on our homepage about our offer of financial products. Please note that Scheuermann & Co AG does not recommend any product without prior testing of the suitability. Whether a financial product is suitable for you is determined by our individual customer analyses, which fully comply with the strict legal requirements. The legal requirements and customer protection are our top priority.
Conflicts of interest
Scheuermann & Co AG takes the necessary precautions to avoid conflicts of interest in its business activities and to protect you from disadvantages. If a conflict of interest cannot be avoided, such conflict will be disclosed to you and the appropriate action will only be taken with your consent.
This information sheet is an advertisement document. Any prospectuses, key investor information documents or basic information sheets, the Articles of Association as well as the annual and semi-annual reports of the Fund Tweedy, Browne Value Funds are available free of charge from Scheuermann & Co AG and the Swiss Representative. The investment fund is domiciled in Luxembourg. Swiss Representative: FIRST INDEPENDENT FUND SERVICES LTD., Klausstrasse 33, CH-8008 Zurich. Swiss Paying Agent: NPB Neue Privat Bank AG , Limmatquai 1/am Bellevue , CH-8024 Zurich.